mathematical psychology

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professor at universidade federal do espírito santo (ufes) since 2009, teaching at design undergraduate course and psychology graduate program (ppgp).

received the industrial design degree from ufes in 2003, followed by a masters (2007), doctoral degree (2014), and postdoctoral fellowship (2018) from ppgp/ufes.

researcher of mathematical theories and models of cognition and design at for/ma (ufes) and research colaborator at núcleo interdisciplinario alimentación y bienestar (udelar/uy).

self-taught programmer, musician and former demo scener. supporter of slow and open scientific practices.

apprentice bibliophile and ursal backpacker in the spare time.

member of the brazilian society for psychology (sbp) and of the international association for perceptual control theory (iapct).

check the expanded curriculum vitae for more information (portuguese only).